TC Energy to Spin Off Oil Unit to Focus on Low-Carbon Future
US States Can Finally Start Applying for IRA Incentive Money
Venezuela Rolls Back Fuel Hike After Pushback from Businesses
Biden Says Extreme Heat Costing US $100 Billion Annually
Walmart to Test Carbon-Capture Apparel With California Startup
Greece’s Wildfires Burn Through the Country’s Natural CO2 Stores
TotalEnergies Maintains Investor Payouts Despite Profit Miss
Europe Gas Prices Steady as Shell Sees Healthy Winter Stockpiles
Shell Pledges Extra Buybacks, Hikes Dividend as Profit Drops
Malaysia Plans to Build Region’s Largest Solar Hybrid Plant
British Gas Owner Boosts Shareholder Returns: The London Rush
Iberdrola First Half Earnings Meet Estimates as Hydro Recovers