Microsoft-Activision Deal Poised to Close Later Than Planned
Chip CEOs to Meet Brainard, Sullivan Over China Restrictions
JPMorgan’s Kolanovic Sees ‘Modestly Wider’ Path to Soft Landing
Black Knight-ICE Merger Hopes Fueled by Unit Sale Ahead of FTC Fight
Microsoft Clears Another Hurdle as Court Halts UK Veto Case
PJT Hires Ex-Centerview Banker Phillips for Consumer M&A
NY MTA’s Budget Gap to Grow to $918 Million by 2029, Watchdog Says
Higher food prices and more hunger: Collapse of Black Sea grain deal poses a massive threat
Oil slides more than 1% as Chinese GDP dents demand hopes
Global temperatures soar as US, China renew climate diplomacy
Barclays to Morgan Stanley Say Buy Spanish Bonds Before Election
Microsoft and Activision Watch Hurdles to $69 Billion Deal Fall