Who is David Bederman? 'Jeopardy!'s latest champ triumphs by wagering $1 more than reigning winner
1970-01-01 08:00
David Bederman's calculative mind led him to a final score of $28,401 as compared to the two-day champ Daniel Moore's $28,400

CULVER CITY, CALIFORNIA: 'Jeopardy!' once again proved that you need much more than trivia knowledge to come out as the victor of the game show. And as evidence, David Bederman stands as the champ for Tuesday, July 18 episode.

The two-day returning champ Daniel Moore was a promising contestant but he failed to make his streak last for another day. Bederman will now face two new contestants, Sean Weatherston, a physical therapist from Nampa, Idaho, and Liz Cotrufello, a teacher from Broomall, Pennsylvania, on the next episode.

Who is David Bederman?

The 'Jeopardy!' profile of the current champ Bederman lists him as an attorney from Los Angeles, California. Bederman went pursued his Bachelor's from Northwestern in International Studies and Psychology and later got his JD from Loyola Law School which he completed back in 2012. The 37-year-old has spent a large chunk of his career in the legal field, working with various LLPs like Waters and Kraus, Kaiser Gornick and Manning & Kass, Ellrod, Ramirez, and Trester, among others. Currently, he is employed at Abir Cohen Treyzon Salo where he has been working as an attorney since 2017. Besides being a law practitioner, Bederman works as a DJ on the side.

How did David Bederman win?

Luck was definitely on his side when Bederman made the perfect wager for his Final Jeopardy answer. The clue for the round read, "Around since 1998, it's now roughly the length of a football field and travels at about 5 miles per second." Notably, the clue was not particularly difficult, especially given Bederman's quite competent fellow contestants Moore and Chelsea Watt who had done a good job throughout the episode as well. The answer should have been the "International Space Station" and all three of them got it right.

Winning the episode came down to making a strategic wager for the clue. Watt was far from the other two in her score so her wager didn't really help her much. On the other hand, Moore put the whole amount of $14,200 on his answer and doubled it to $28,400. But it was Bederman who was not only confident in his answer but also extremely calculative as he put down $10,601 to be added to his existing $17,800. This gave him a total score of $28,401, exactly a dollar more than Moore, making him the champ for the day.

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