What to expect from Netflix's 'Fatal Seduction' Season 1 Volume 2? Mystery behind Brenda's murder will continue to unravel
1970-01-01 08:00
Nandi Mahlati walked away from her lover Jacob Tau after he confesses to stalking her whole family with the intention of killing her husband Leonard Mahlati

Spoilers for 'Fatal Seduction' Season 1 Volume 1

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: ‘Fatal Seduction’ Season 1 Volume 1 on Netflix is sexy, sensual, and thrilling. After seven episodes, each more interesting than the other, one simply cannot wait to find out what happens in ‘Fatal Seduction’ Season 1 Volume 2. The Netflix series is divided into two volumes, with each having 7 episodes and a lot of ground to cover. ‘Fatal Seduction’ Volume 1 was extremely action-packed, which means the next volume will be amazing.

‘Fatal Seduction’ Volume 2 hopefully will conclude all the storylines that were left hanging at the end of the first volume. Nandi Mahlati and Jacob Tau were seen at crossroads, with Nandi walking away from her lover after he confesses to stalking her whole family with the intention of killing her husband Leonard Mahlati. However, with ‘Fatal Seduction’ Volume 2 on the way, we know that wasn’t the end of Jacob and Nandi, and there’s plenty more left to unravel.

Who killed Brenda?

‘Fatal Seduction’ Volume 1 has helped the audience rule out some suspects when it comes to Brenda’s death, and the most recent one is Jacob. Although there is no solid proof, Jacob’s ill intentions were directed toward Leonard and not Brenda. In addition, Jacob might be too obvious of an answer. ‘Fatal Seduction’ Volume 2 should finally reveal who killed Brenda, and it could just be the ones closest to her. Nevertheless, if there is one person who should pay for wrongfully imprisoning Jacob’s father, it is Leonard. But will justice be served in ‘Fatal Seduction’ Volume 2?

Jacob and Nandi’s love affair

Nandi might have walked away from Jacob, but that awakened something evil in him, which will most likely be explored in ‘Fatal Seduction’ Volume 2. Jacob has fallen for Nandi, and he has fallen hard. From lust to love to obsession, it truly has been a slippery slope, and there will definitely be more of it in Volume 2. Leonard, still unaware of Nandi and Jacob's affair, was convinced that Nandi was having an affair with her brother-in-law instead. Maybe it is time for Nandi to come clean and work on her marriage, however, it might just be a little too late if Leonard goes to prison.

There were also plenty of graphic sex scenes in ‘Fatal Seduction’ Volume 1, and Volume 2 could potentially tone it down and focus more on the drama and of course, the murder investigation.

The South African thriller series has most certainly raised the benchmark but still has more questions than answers. It will also be interesting to see what’s next for Vuyo Mahlati, who has been one of the most critical characters in Volume 1. Without Vuyo, Leonard’s dirty secret would have never been revealed, and as far as Vuyo is concerned, Jacob is dead, which will also lead to an interesting subplot in ‘Fatal Seduction’ Volume 2. As of now, there is no release date set for the second half of the season, but let’s hope Netflix doesn’t make the fans wait for too long.

You can now stream 'Fatal Seduction' Season 1 Volume 1 on Netflix.

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