TikTok: What are hidden codes and how to use secret emojis?
1970-01-01 08:00
Welcome to the world of TikTok's hidden codes that unlock some really cool - but secret - emojis

TikTok, the wildly popular social media platform known for its short-form videos, has already got millions of users hooked to it worldwide. It has many dance challenges, creative videos, and comedy sketches. The app is built with several interesting features, and some are accessible with proper codes.

Most people are familiar with the platform's main features, but there are also some hidden codes and secret emojis that can add an extra layer of fun and flavor to your TikTok experience. We've all gotten used to using emojis to express our emotions, but TikTok has some hidden codes that allow you to use secret emojis. Let’s explore the world of hidden codes on TikTok and see how to unlock the secret emojis that lie within the app.


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What are hidden codes on TikTok?

Hidden codes are used to unlock the secret emojis. Even though TikTok doesn’t openly advertise these, savvy users have discovered some hidden codes through experimentation.

How can you unlock secret emojis?

TikTok has an exclusive set of secret emojis that can be unlocked with specific keywords. These secret emojis can be created within the comment section and captions. Some of the emojis are accessible through the emoji keyboard on your device. In order to make the secret emojis appear, you just have to type the right code within square brackets. Many TikTok users are big fans of these secret emojis, which come in two styles. One is a designed emoji and the other is a cute cartoon character with expressions. Let’s get the hidden codes to use secret emojis and experience a different range of emotions and expressions.

Style 1

[smile], [surprised], [scream], [weep], [speechless], [funnyface], [wronged], [shout], [flushed], [happy], [angry], [face with rolling eyes], [sulk], [thinking], [lovely], [greedy], [cry], [embarrassed], [yummy], [complacent], [drool], [laugh with tears], [wicked]

Style 2

[stun], [cute], [blink], [excited], [proud], [smileface], [wow], [joyful], [hehe], [slap], [tears], [evil], [angel], [laugh], [pride], [nap], [loveface], [awkward], [shock], [disdain], [astonish], [rage], [cool]

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