‘The Witcher’ Season 3 Episode 3: Geralt and Ciri finally reunite after he wards off the Wild Hunt
1970-01-01 08:00
Ciri and Geralt barely have a moment to embrace each other as they temporarily defeat the Wild Hunt

Spoilers for 'The Witcher' Season 3 Episode 3

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: Whether ‘The Witcher’ Season 3 should have been divided into two parts is something everyone might be on the fence about, but there are certain things everyone can agree on. One such thing is that Geralt and Ciri need as much screen time together as possible. After Episode 2, one was sure Ciri and Geralt would reunite in Episode 3, but as the run time went by, that hope kept diminishing too. Both of these characters need each other to survive (along with Yennefer, of course).

‘The Witcher’ Season 3 Episode 3 continues the separate quests as Ciri and Yennefer make their way to Aretuza and Geralt tries to figure out who the new Ciri is. As these separate quests continue, the anticipation increases. More than half of ‘The Witcher’ Season 3 Part 1 is over, and yet, Geralt and Ciri haven’t reunited. Could this possibly mean going to another episode without the two of them? Lucky for the viewers, that isn’t the case, but Ciri definitely isn’t in luck.

Geralt saves Ciri

Ciri and Yennefer make it to Aretuza, but things aren’t going the way Ciri would have expected. Instead, Ciri sees a completely different side to Yennefer, one that actually fits with the crowd in Aretuza. Naturally, Ciri is repulsed by it all and doesn’t shy away from being vocal about it, comparing Yennefer to Geralt. Yennefer and Ciri get into a fight, one that doesn’t involve magic or combat, only hurtful words, which might just be worse for their growing relationship. Any progress that Ciri and Yennefer made has taken a few steps back. This eventually leads to Ciri taking a horse and venturing out, all by herself, and that has never ended well.

As Ciri rides away, the clouds begin to darken, following her as she picks up her speed, and it doesn’t take her long to realize that she is being chased. It is soon revealed that Eredin of the Wild Hunt is after Ciri as he calls out to her, along with the rest of his men. Ciri rides faster, trying to convince herself that they’re ghosts and corpses. Eredin is quick to respond, “Yes, we are corpses, but you are death itself. Join us.” At this point, all hope seems lost until another neigh is heard and Geralt comes riding on his horse, temporarily defeating the Wild Hunt. Ciri and Geralt barely have a moment to embrace each other before Ciri sees remains from the Wild Hunt, realizing they were real after all. Well, the silver lining is that Ciri and Geralt are back together, all they need is Yennefer and to defeat every person, monster, sorcerer, elves and others chasing after Ciri, how hard can it be?

You can now stream 'The Witcher' Season 3 Part 1 exclusively on Netflix.

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