'The View' host Whoopi Goldberg saves the day after interrupted by audience member's phone alarm on live TV
1970-01-01 08:00
'The View' host Whoopi Goldberg joked, 'Oh, you know what it is? It's them calling Sunny to say that she has another legal note'

NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK: Bluders, or rather happy accidents, are all in a day's work for 'The View' hosts. The live talk show might trip upon various hurdles in the shape of wardrobe malfunctions, on-screen and off-screen fights, and whatnot, but it always manages to turn it into a hilarious moment for the audience.

Whoopi Goldberg, the veteran moderator of the show, became the unfortunate target of the mishap this time around. While phone-related interruptions are not rare for 'The View', Goldberg seemed to be incredibly confused when a phone alarm interrupted her mid-talking.

Whoopi Goldberg looks helpless

'The View' panel was discussing a fatal shooting case in which a woman was murdered in Florida. A Black woman named Ajika "AJ" Owens was shot dead while attempting to confront a White woman who had previously attacked her children. The panel, including the ones with a law background like Sunny Hostin, brought up the reasons why the case was complicated and needed a lot more evidence than what was the current status to prove the shooter was guilty.

Whoopi took some time to process her conclusive remark and went on to say, "...The idea that you can hope to say, 'Oh, I was frightened' allows you to kill somebody indiscriminately. That should scare the poop out of everybody in this room!" She then continued while referring to something said by Sunny, "Because, as you just pointed out..." Whoopi got interrupted by the distinct sound of an alarm going off.

Whoopi looked confused for a moment before she recollected herself and said, "That's alright." The host then made a smooth transition with a hilarious reaction saying, "Oh, you know what it is? It's them calling Sunny to say that she has another legal note."

Joy Behar's double phone trouble

Whoopi wasn't the first one to be interrupted by a phone while on-air. The co-host Joy Behar was recently pranked by the executive producer of the show with a call during a panel discussion on the harms of phone addictions. She also went on to make it a hilarious exchange by picking up the call while on the panel.

Joy is called the phone addict among the panel hosts for a reason. In another previous incident, Joy's phone went off with her ringtone blaring and she struggled to turn it off as their conversation paused for a while.

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