Tai chi may slow Parkinson's symptoms for years, study finds
1970-01-01 08:00
The traditional gentle Chinese exercise showed balance and movement benefits for patients.

Tai chi may help slow down the symptoms of Parkinson's disease for several years, a Chinese study suggests.

Those who practised the martial art twice a week had fewer complications and better quality of life than those who didn't, the researchers say.

Parkinson's is a progressive brain disease...

Tags breathe in draw palms to the waist breathe in return to the middle and drawing your right arm back tai chi and parkinsons video wellbeing physical activity and exercise parkinsons breathe out bring hands down turn to at the same time extend the right arm forward breathe in turn your body towards the your shoulders are relaxed and tai chi and qigong for breathe out turn your body to the parkinsons disease nhs health now reach both arms towards parkinsons disease published 26 minutes ago the tai chi and qigong