Call of Duty: Warzone Season Five Patch Notes: All Weapon Buffs and Nerfs
1970-01-01 08:00
Call of Duty: Warzone Season Five released on Wednesday ahead of the launch later in the day.

Call of Duty: Warzone Season Five released on Wednesday ahead of the launch later in the day. Titled Last Stand, a fitting name for the last season of Warzone before the launch of Warzone 2 later this year.

The new season launches with tons of new content including cosmetics, new game modes, weekly schedules, weapons and more importantly, balance changes.

Warzone Season Five: All Weapon Buffs and Nerfs


New Weapons

EX1: Assault Rifle (VG)
A prototype energy rifle effective at long range and highly customizable.
Available at Battle Pass Tier 15

RA 225: Submachine Gun (VG)
This SMG has a high fire rate and a very mobile compact frame.
Available at Battle Pass Tier 31

Weapon Adjustments

Assault Rifles

AS44 (VG)

Kovalevskaya 615mm
Damage Range Increased to 30%, up from 20%
Vertical Recoil Control increased to 15%, up from 12%

ZAC 12B Custom
Initial Firing Recoil increased to 14%, up from 10%
Movement Speed penalty decreased to -3%, up from -4%

Assault Rifle Charlie (VG)

8mm Klauser 40 Round Mags
Magazine Capacity increased to 50, up from 40

Cooper Carbine (VG)

Compressed Rounds
Recoil Control penalty increased to -4.5%, down from -3.5%
22" Cooper Custom
Horizontal Recoil Control decreased to 35%, down from 50%

KG M40 (VG)

Reisdorf 720mm Shrouded
Muzzle Velocity decreased to 38%, down from 45%
Vertical Recoil Control decreased to 24%, down from 30%
Horizontal Recoil Control decreased to 17%, down from 20%

6.5mm Sakura 40 Round Mags
Muzzle Velocity penalty increased to -15%, down from -10%
Vertical Recoil Control decreased to 12%, down from 14%
Horizontal Recoil Control decreased to 16%, down from 20%

8mm Klauser 60 Round Drums
Movement Speed Scaler decreased to 0.98, down from 0.985
ADS Time Penalty increased to -5%, up from -2.5%

VDD 22G Padded
Recoil Control decreased to 12.5%, down from 14%

Grau 5.56 (MW)

Groza (BOCW)

Vargo 52 (BOCW)

Spetsnaz 60 Rnd
ADS Time Penalty Decreased to -10%, down from -15%

Vargo-S (VG)

Mirzoyan 414mm Custom
Damage Range Penalty removed
Sprint to Fire penalty decreased to 1.1, up from 1.15

Nazaryan 336mm AG
Recoil Control Penalty decreased to -40%, up from -45%
Sprint to Fire penalty removed

Gabrielyan LW 298mm
Vertical Recoil Control Penalty decreased to -60%, up from -80%

6.5mm Sakura 45 Round Drums
Magazine Capacity increased to 50, up from 45

8mm Mauser 30 Round Mags
Magazine Capacity increased to 40, up from 30

.30-06 38 Round Mags
Rate of Fire increased by 50%

Mirzoyan Custom SK2
Movement speed penalty decreased to -2%, up from -4%

Assault Rifle Alpha (VG)

VDD 760mm 05B
Horizontal Recoil Decreased to 20%, down from 30%
Muzzle Velocity decreased to 40%, down from 45%

8mm Kurz 60 Round Drums
ADS Time Scaler penalty decreased to -10%, up from -7%

Light Machine Guns

UGM-8 (VG)

Type 11 (VG)

Sakura 487mm Shrouded
Rate of Fire Penalty decreased to -11.5% down from -15%
Horizontal Recoil Control increased to 32%, up from 30%

5.6mm 45 Round Mags
Muzzle Velocity Penalty removed

Marksman Rifles

"Vanguard Marksman Rifles have been held back by their restriction of using Sniper Ammunition. In Season Five we’re making large changes to these Weapons to now use Assault Rifle Ammunition instead, along with rebalancing the handling and damage potential of each Weapon in the class."

SVT-40 (VG)

ZAC 730mm Precision Barrel
ADS Time penalty increased to - 8%, down from -7%

.303 British 15 Round Mag
Damage Penalty increased to -10%, down from -7%
ADS Time decreased to 2%, down from 4%
Recoil Control now 5%, down from 32%

6.5 Sakura 20 Round Mag
Damage Penalty increased to -17%, up from -11%
Rate of Fire Bonus decreased to 30%, down from 50%
ADS Time decreased to 1%, down from 2%
Recoil control now 10%, down from 45%

M1 Garand (VG)

.303 British 12 Round Clips
Magazine Capacity Increased to 16 rounds, up from 12
Recoil Control decreased to 5%, down from 25%

6.5 Sakura 20 Round Drum
Magazine Capacity Increased to 40 rounds, up from 20
Rate of Fire Bonus decreased to 25%, down from 43%
Movement Speed decreased to -4% down from 2%
Recoil control decreased to 20%, down from 31%

.30-06 16 Round Mag
Magazine Capacity Increased to 30 rounds, up from 16

.30-06 20 Round Drum
Magazine Capacity Increased to 40 rounds, up from 20
Movement Speed penalty increased to -4%, up from -2%

G-43 (VG)

ZP 770mm Precision Barrel
ADS Time penalty decreased to -2%, up from -6%

Fitzherbert 500mm Rapid
Recoil Recovery now increased by 10%

Wyvern 570mm Full-Auto Barrel
Vertical Recoil increased to 20%, up from 2%
Horizontal recoil penalty decreased to -10%, up from -40%

8mm Klauser 20 Round Mag
Magazine Capacity Increased to 40 rounds, up from 20
ADS Time penalty decreased to -2%, down from 4%

M1916 (VG)

ZP Custom Barrel
Recoil Recovery now increased by 10%

6.5mm Sakura 20 Round Mag
Rate of Fire Bonus decreased to 5%, down from 20%

Crossbow (MW)


Combat Shield (VG)

Scythe (BOCW)

Dual Kodachis (MW)


Klauser (VG)

Wyvern 170mm 29L
Damage Range increased to 40%, up from 20%
Horizontal Recoil Control Penalty decreased to -15%, up from -25%
Vertical Recoil Control Penalty decreased to -5%, up from -10%
Movement Speed Penalty decreased to -2.5, up from -4%

Fitzherbert 200mm BL
Muzzle Velocity increased to 50%, up from 40%
ADS Time Penalty decreased to- 6%, up from -12
Movement Speed penalty decreased to -1%, down from -1.5%
ADS Movement Speed penalty decreased to -1%, down from -2%

.45 ACP 12 Round Mags
Magazine Capacity Increased to 16, up from 12
Rate of Fire Penalty decreased to -4%, down from -10%

Sniper Rifles

"Snipers have almost climbed to the ideal healthy usage rate, and for the first time we’re seeing a good spread of different Weapons being used depending on map and situation. With the rebalancing of some of the Vanguard Optics and a further reduction of flinch, we expect this category of Weapons to be in a solid position going forward."

LW3 - Tundra (BOCW)

Type 99 (VG)

Shiraishi 712mm Sniper
Neck Damage Multiplier scale increased to 1.62, up from 1.0
Upper Torso Damage Multiplier decreased to 1.1, down from 1.181
Sprint to Fire Penalty decreased to -15%, up from -18%

3-Line Rifle (VG)

.30-06 20 Round Mags
Damage Bonus decreased to 7%, down from 10%
Rate of Fire Penalty decreased to -6.5% , up from -10%


Combat Shotgun (VG)

12 Gauge 5 Round Tube
Locational Damage Multipliers decreased to 2.5%, down from 5%

Damage Range Penalty increased to -25%, down from -20%
Bonus Damage decreased to 15%, down from 20%

Submachine Guns

"We’re making some adjustments to widen the Close Range meta even further by making additional changes to the best performers, and giving some much-needed attention to some old favorites."

Armaguerra 43 (VG)

Imerito 550mm 03P
Vertical Recoil Control decreased to 10%, down from 15%
Horizontal Recoil Control decreased to 15%, down from 20%

Imerito 180mm Short
Vertical Recoil Control Penalty increased to -15%, up from -10%

Botti 570mm Precisione
Headshot Damage Multiplier decreased to 1.14, down from 1.2
Muzzle Velocity decreased to 30%, down from 40%
Horizontal Recoil Control decreased to 25%, down from 35%

8mm Kurz 72 Round Mags
Muzzle Velocity decreased to 10%, down from 20%
Damage Range Bonus removed, down from 5%

9mm 60 Round Mags
Movement Speed Penalty increased to -3%, down from -1%
ADS Time penalty increased to -8%, down from -6%

Imerito TA Skeletal
Initial Recoil decreased to 10%, down from 15%
Sustained Recoil penalty increased to -10%, down from -7.5%

Marco 5 (VG)

Imerito 342mm 04P
Muzzle Velocity decreased to 40%, down from 50%
Recoil Control decreased to 5%, down from 8%

Perfetto Lesto 355mm
Vertical Recoil Control penalty increased to -25%, down from -21%
Horizontal Recoil Control decreased to -15%, down from -12%

H4 Blixen (VG)

Bergström 17" F3
Recoil Control Decreased to 30%, down from 45%

7.62 Gorenko 54 Round Mags
Headshot Multiplier Removed
Upper Torso Damage Multiplier increased to 1.13, up from 1.0
Movement Speed Scale Decreased to 0.97, down from 1.02
ADS Time Scalar Penalty decreased to -4%, up from -3%


Explosive Flechettes
Magazine Capacity increased to 50, up from 36

Fennec (MW)

M1928 (VG)

Chariot 2.5"
Rate of Fire decreased to 10%, down from 15%
Vertical Recoil Control penalty decreased to -35%, up from -50%

Chariot 5.5"
Min Damage increased to 22, up from 21

8mm Kurz 50 Round Drums
Damage Range decreased to 15%, down from 20%
Vertical Recoil Control penalty decreased to -25%, up from -30%

8mm Kurz 100 Round Drums
Damage Range decreased to 15%, down from 20%
Vertical Recoil Control penalty decreased to -25%, up from -30%

PPSh-41 (VG)

ZAC 300mm
Hip Fire Accuracy penalty decreased to -15%, up from -20%
Damage Range increased to 25%, up from 20%

8mm Nambu 71 Round Mags
Damage Penalty Removed
Damage Range Penalty increased to -25%, down from -20%

ZAC Folding
Recoil Recovery increased by 10%

Submachine Gun Bravo (MW)

Striker 45 (MW)



MX Silencer

Mercury Silencer


SVT-40 PU Scope 3-6x

Sniper Glint has been enabled
Recoil Control Decreased to 1%, down from 5%
Flinch Resistance decreased
Assault Rifles:
ADS Penalty increased to -10%, up from -4%

1913 Variable 4-8x

Sniper Glint has been enabled
Recoil Control decreased to 5%, down from 10%
Flinch Resistance decreased
Assault Rifles:
ADS Penalty increased to -12%, up from -8%

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This article was originally published on dbltap as Call of Duty: Warzone Season Five Patch Notes: All Weapon Buffs and Nerfs.

Tags cod call of duty damage recoil