Andrew Tate receives backlash over 'fruits aren't healthy' remark, Internet deems it 'absolute nonsense'
1970-01-01 08:00
Despite his recent focus on sharing fitness tips with his followers, Andrew Tate took a different stance this time

BUCHAREST, ROMANIA: Andrew Tate recently used platform X (formerly Twitter) to express a controversial opinion, claiming that fruits are unhealthy.

Despite his recent focus on sharing fitness tips with his followers, Andrew Tate took a different stance, asserting that sugar is equivalent to poison.

Andrew Tate claims people should avoid fruits

In a recent tweet, Tate went on to criticize fruits and stated, "Fruit isn’t healthy. That’s a psyop. Avoid it. You’ll be healthier if you never eat fruit ever again. It’s loaded with sugar. Fruit juices are the absolute worst. Orange juice is worse than coke. Avoid completely."

Tate went on to state, "Meat. Vegetables. As much as possible. Endless steaks and vegetables. You’ll get bad carb hunger, have a tiny handful of fries or whatever and cram in more steak. You don’t need to count calories. Just eat this diet as much as you want for 1 hour a day. 60% meat 20% veg. 20% carbs. You’ll look like an animal."

Trolls unleash verbal attack on Andrew Tate

After Tate's tweet suggesting that fruits may not be beneficial for health, it garnered the attention of numerous users, leading them to express their opinions on his remarks.

A user wrote, "Fruit have sugar but it does have fiber to manage the sugar. That's why i agree that fruit juices are worse bec they take the fiber out by juicing. Eat fruits. Whole fruit. Sugar from fruit digested with fiber is okay."

Another user wrote, "@Cobratate with respect. U are literally telling M of people that what God made isn't good enough and that you have the better answer.You literally worship your body and telling others to do the same. What does it profit a man to gain whole world but lose his soul?"

A user stated, "Absolute nonsense about fruit Not all simple sugars are "bad". Fructose good, sucrose bad. Signed an MD."

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