'AGT' fans call Simon Cowell 'unfair' for eliminating Ryan Hayashi over lack of showmanship
1970-01-01 08:00
Magician Ryan Hayashi gets eliminated from 'AGT' Season 18's 6th audition round

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: There was a lot of magic in 'America's Got Talent' Season 18's 6th audition round. However, it was only Ryan Hayashi's magic that did not get the chance to move ahead in the show. It was not that the magic was not good. But, it was the showmanship that was criticized.

Ryan did some card magic in the audition round. But, the magician failed to impress the judges. Therefore, he could not get a single Yes to move ahead in the show. Fans believed that he was eliminated from the show only because Simon Cowell did not like card tricks.

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Ryan Hayashi gets eliminated from 'AGT' Season 18

Ryan asked for Heidi Klum and Terry Crew's involvement in his magic trick in 'AGT' Season 18's audition round. He then placed cards and coins on the table. The magician made the coin disappear inside of the cards. However, one thing he lacked while doing the magic trick was to keep his audience involved in his tricks. Even though Heidi and Terry's eyes were glued to what was happening at the table but the other judges were not much impressed by Ryan's work. Simon claimed that he does not like card tricks and therefore said no to the magician's performance. Howie and Sofia followed by saying no to the performer. But, Heidi claimed that she believed the magic was good because she got to witness it from so close. But, seeing her fellow judges say No Heidi went with the same. This led Ryan to get ruled out from the show.

'Doesn’t seem fair to me, Simon Cowell doesn’t like cards'

Seeing Simon claim that he does not like card magic tricks and then Ryan being ruled out from the show made fans slam the judge. One tweeted, "Hmmm, he doesn’t get to do another trick even though the girls got another song? Doesn’t seem fair to me. @SimonCowell doesn’t like cards, I don’t like singers, I like magicians, again I see why I need to be a judge to balance things." Another claimed, "Criticizing a magician on lacking in showmanship while they put through an annoying noisy little kid magician." Another repeated Simon's words, "I’m sorry but I’m tired of card tricks." A fan claimed, "The one interesting magic act and y'all said no? *sigh*"

'Good magician, but not enough showmanship for that guy'

'AGT' fans believed Ryan's performance was good but his showmanship was not worth going ahead in the show. A fan tweeted, "Good magician, but not enough showmanship for that guy." "Oh, look, a card magician with no personality doing a trick on the stage away from the judges' table," tweeted another. A fan claimed, "He's had the tablet for 5 minutes and he's already destroyed it. Get the AmEx Black card out and get him a new one."

'America's Got Talent' Season 18 airs new episodes every Tuesday on NBC at 8 PM ET.

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